Safety and Security
The safety and security of students and staff at Bangkok Christian School are taken very seriously.Security guards are physically on duty 24/7, and CCTV cameras monitor activities within and without the school compound at all times. All students, teachers, parents, and guests are required to use a face/finger scan to enter the school premises.
If you have any questions or comments regarding issues of safety, security or the health of the school environment, please contact the School Office or the Principal.
Closed Campus
Bangkok Christian International School is a closed campus. Once students arrive on campus in the morning, they may not leave the campus without special permission.

Absolutely no unauthorized personnel will be granted access under any circumstances, and all visitors entering the grounds must present their identification cards and receive a Visitor’s Pass from the Front Gate Security Station.All security personnel will not exercise any flexibility with regard to the safety of our students and staff.

To encourage independence in our students, helpers/drivers are requested not to wait on the school premises during school hours unless they are asked by the class teacher to participate in that day’s activities.
The school has accidental insurance coverage for students. The school also obtains insurance coverage for all school trips involving students.
From time to time photographs or video clips of our students may be published to our website or used in publications such as the schools’ newspaper, magazine, website and other publications. If you would not like your child’s image to be used, please inform the school management before the start of the school year.
No Smoking
The entire school campus is a designated smoke-free zone.
BCIS Air Quality Policy
(AQI = Air Quality Index)
AQI Levels
Action Plan
AQI Below 100 PM 2.5 reading
School activities continue as normal.
All outdoor activities are permitted.
Outdoor activities continue as planned.
AQI Between 100 PM and 149 PM reading
There may be some activities that are adjusted to avoid prolonged exertion and outdoor exposure for those sensitive to air pollution as identified through medical records.
Students will have limited outdoor activities, lessons, and recess time
AQI Between 150 PM and 199 PM reading
(This is typically limited to a max of 30 minutes per outdoor session, take more breaks and do less intensive activities)
Outdoor activities are limited for sensitive students with medical concerns.
AQI Over 200 PM
No Outdoor Activities are permitted for any Grade level.